How To Get Started On A Life Goal: Exploring the Edge

Exploring the edge
Categories: Coaching


Holly Corwin


Categories: Coaching


Holly Corwin


When we first feel that inner tug toward something big and new — a big life goal that plays out like a daydream in our head — it can feel like a mixed bag of emotions — excitement, fear, anticipation, maybe even a little self-doubt. As you teeter on the edge of visions and feelings for this desire, the most important step you can take is to ground yourself in greater understanding, to take a moment and explore this life opportunity so that it does not quickly slip away as an unattainable dream that forever plays in the back of the mind. This happens too often— we think about the big idea and, within the same breath, push it away or talk ourselves out of it because daily life is happening, and there is no room for something that awesomely grand. Yet, what if? What if you offered yourself a 10-minute exploration to see what comes from asking yourself three questions? 


This 10-minute phase of exploration is meant to uncover what is next to continue chasing the dream that causes your mind to be immersed in imagination and the vision that makes your heart long for more. Sit down, grab a journal or piece of paper and spend 2-3 minutes capturing what comes up for you with the following three questions. Do not overanalyze it and keep it simple. We are just on the edge of exploring and we want these answers to come from the heart, not so much the overthinking mind.  


1.What About This Goal Is Important?

The appeal of a big life goal usually comes from how it can improve aspects of your life, most typically in how it can bring more joy, life purpose, connection, or health. To understand the appeal better, ask yourself, “Why is this goal important to me?” Another way of phrasing it is, “What is the driving force behind this goal that makes it important?” Perhaps it aligns with your core values, offers you the chance to grow, provides a path to financial independence, or helps build your life legacy. Sometimes, identifying its importance can be a spiritual experience, tapping into something far deeper within you. If new questions arise as you identify the importance of your goal, jot those down—questions are powerful in discovery.


Whatever your reason may be, understanding the “why” provides you a compass that will help guide you on how to continue with the inner nudge to listen and further explore this life goal. It serves as the anchor when you continue down the path of attainment, especially during times of setbacks or discouragement. And, sometimes, exploring the “why” unveils something new or shifts the goal because in the process of identifying importance, you uproot a larger more valuable focus that was masked by the initial idea.


2.What Has to Happen in Order for Me to Meet This Goal?

Once the “why” is crystallized, you’re better positioned to look into the “how”. What is needed in order to reach your goal? What actions need to happen to bring your vision into reality? As you list out the actions required to reach your goal, a roadmap begins to form. The list serves as manageable micro-goals that bring you to the larger vision. Things you might consider when looking at the big goal: skills you need to learn, relationships/networking you need to build or nurture, and resources you need to gather. This list is your initial building blocks; they don’t have to be set in stone just yet, they simply serve as a preliminary outline. 


Spending time with this question is crucial for multiple reasons. First, it allows you to assess the feasibility of your goal and begin to see the time frame you can expect to meet it, and second, it sets the stage for creating a more granular roadmap that will serve as your compass. 


Where Do I Want to Begin?

Ah, the question that quite literally sets things into motion. And this is where leaning into your heart-center and trusting yourself can serve you well. Let go of the “right way” and consider what feels most aligned to you when looking at the roadmap you built in the previous question. 


Begin by picking one of the manageable chunks. Maybe it’s enrolling in a course, setting up informational interviews in a new field, or starting a savings plan for that dream. What is important is that the starting point should resonate with you and be in harmony with the broader framework you’ve sketched.


This is a preliminary step that can be liberating, as it brings you from an idea swirling in your head into action, into the practical world. Have fun with it and do not be quick to judge yourself. This is a reminder that we all start from the beginning. Everyone who has built any dream had a day one. Lean into the tiny strides.


Pulling It All Together

Based on the clarity gained from answering these three questions, you can continue to flesh out your plan by revisiting your roadmap and adapting as you learn. This is also a time where coaching can become an asset. Certified coaches have the training and expertise to ask deeper, meaningful questions that get to the center of your work, help you identify obstacles more clearly and the solutions around them, celebrate the tiniest of progress, pin-point accountability plans in your roadmap, and keep a focus on your inner-guidance as you navigate a big goal in the external world. 

Final Encouraging Words From a Certified ICF Coach

As you explore these questions, you’re setting the groundwork for something that could become life-changing. I encourage you not to stop the process at the first sign of that inner-critic, judging or doubting your ability. You are capable. Every person who has ever accomplished anything started with a single step. As Ann Lamott famously said, take this “Bird by bird”, meaning one step at a time. While these questions provide initial clarity, the beautiful part of the journey is that things unfold as you move forward. There’s always room for curiosity and adjustment as you learn. Consider this the beginning with lots of flexibility, rather than a final plan etched in stone. 

If you are interested in learning more on how coaching could help you build a roadmap, or support you on the path to your larger goal, reach out or sign up for a session with me. 


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